Despina Rose Logo

Despina Rose

BACP Accredited

UK Based Counsellor

Photo of Despina

Who am I?

Pronouns: She/Her

30 years old

Neurodiverse (ADHD)

Passionate about improving the well-being of my clients


My therapeutic background is varied, here are some of the main areas I work with:

Qualifications and Training

I am an accredited member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy)

A photo of me on a hike. A picture of me with some goats! Me near a lake! At a rock!

I have had a varied career and travelled extensively which led me to meeting some wonderful people from different backgrounds inspiring my fascination with counselling. My training as a counsellor is within the person-centred approach. This means that the client leads the session and what they would like to bring to our discussion. Through working this way the client is able to resolve their issues simply by having a space to discuss this. In my work as a counsellor, I have seen how healing therapy can be just by giving clients a safe space to be heard without judgement.

I strongly believe that counselling should be inclusive and accessible which is why I have set my rates to an affordable cost and will work with you to fit counselling around your schedule.

Those who work with me can expect a genuine, positive, caring, and down to earth counsellor who will work with you to get the most out of counselling for you as an individual.

Me near a lake!
